How To Protect Your Child During Divorce

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Divorce can get ugly, especially when children are involved. It doesn't matter if your separation was amicable, when it comes to matters of custody things can definitely get heated. It can be easy to point fingers, yell, scream and fight, but that doesn't solve anything and can make things more stressful for your child. See below for tips on how to protect your child during divorce.

Keep Kids Out Of The Divorce Process

Keep your kids out of the divorce process. This means don't discuss divorce proceedings, or any of the "he said" "she said" talk in front of your children. Never fight in front of your kids or within hearing distance of your children. 

Don't Ask Your Children For Information

Never ask your child for information about the other parent. Pumping your child for information makes them a spy for you and can damage the relationship between the child and the other parent.

Do Not Confide In Your Child

This goes along with bringing your child into the divorce process. Never confide in your child things about your divorce, your relationship with the other parent or any other information that brings your child into the situation and causes them undo stress. This extra stress and information can confuse your child and can ultimately damage your bond.

Give Reassurance

Give your child reassurance to your child that everything will be alright. Reassure your child that the divorce wasn't their fault and that they are loved by both parents. Your child may need extra love, hugs and cuddle time during this hard time. 

Maintain Schedules

Keep schedules the same during time at both parent's homes. If 8:00 p.m. is bedtime for your child, it should be the same no matter which house your child is at that night. Your child needs structure, especially during a divorce. Keep bedtimes, mealtimes and parenting styles the same as they always had been before the divorce.

Keep An Eye On Development

Keep an eye out for any changes in development or regression in development, especially in younger children. If you notice any of these changes, or other types of changes in your child, you may need the help of a counselor to get your child through this difficult time. 

Divorce is difficult enough, but adding child custody to the mix can be even more stressful for all parties involved. Talk to your lawyer about other tips to help protect your child during this time and to get you all out of the process unscathed. Visit a site like for more help
