What To Do If An Ex-Employee Has Been Logging Into Your Company's System

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If your business is like many, your employees might have access to the system that your company uses to access client information, business documents, and more. This might not seem like a problem, but it can present an issue if an employee continues to access the system after quitting or being fired. These are a few steps that you can follow if you find that an ex-employee has been logging into your company's system after he or she has stopped working for the company.

1. Change the Passwords Immediately

The first thing that you should do in this situation is to change the passwords immediately. If everyone uses the same log-in information in order to log into the system, you will want to change this information and notify all of your existing employees of the new log-in credentials that they will need to use. If every employee has a separate log-in to use, then take the time to disable the ex-employee's log-in information so that it can no longer be used. It is best if you are able to take these steps right after an employee leaves the company rather than waiting until something happens, but if an ex-employee has been logging in, taking these steps can help prevent this from happening again.

2. Take Down Proof

Depending on the situation, you might be able to press charges against the individual who is logging into your company's system when he or she no longer should be. If you have any proof, it's important to document it so that you have it if you need it. For example, if you have a log that shows that the ex-employee's log-in credentials are being used, or if you have proof that someone has been accessing the network from away from the office, even if you don't have any work-from-home employees, saving these logs can be helpful.

3. Work with an Attorney

Did you know that there are attorneys out there who specialize in working with business owners in situations like this? If you hire a cyber security lawyer, like those at Vandeventer Black LLP, he or she can tell you more about the steps that you can take to protect your business and can help you hold the ex-employee responsible, if applicable.

If you find yourself dealing with this type of situation, you could be wondering what to do next. If you follow these simple steps, however, you can help take the necessary steps to protect your business from an ex-employee who might be trying to access the system.
